DC-Maryland Chapter

DC-MD AER Chapter Awards

Awards are our way of recognizing our colleagues and peers who have gone above and beyond in our field. Every year we present awards to deserving winners at our chapter conference.

Excellence in Direct Service in Education

for an active professional who provides excellent direct instruction or support to children with visual impairments ages birth to 21.

Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation

for an active professional who provides excellent direct rehabilitative services or support to enhance the lives of individuals with visual impairments. Accomplishments may include facilitating independence, self-advocacy, vocation and or life goals, etcetera..

Friend of the Blind and Visually Impaired Community

to recognize contributions of an individual or a group affiliated with, but not primarily involved in, the education or rehabilitation of individuals with visual impairments. Accomplishments should include providing goods or services which help foster independence and self-worth within the blind and visually impaired community. Examples may include a supermarket assisting with teaching a group class to how as to how to effectively shop, a community group donating white canes or assistive technology to an agency/group or an airline making an effort to hire blind personnel in customer service, etcetera.

The James Deremeik Award for Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment 

to recognize a person or group who has made outstanding contributions to the field of blindness. Accomplishments may be in such areas as administration, advocacy, development of policy or curriculum, contributing to the body of knowledge with research or publications, lifetime contributions in education and or rehabilitation, etcetera.

Previous Winners

2023 -
Ericka Tinsley -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2023 -
Korri Sanchez -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2023 -
Roxanne Constantino -
Friend of the Blind and Visually Impaired
2023 -
Dr. Joshua Irzyk -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2022 -
Jim Keim -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2022 -
Angie Biggs -
Friend of the Blind and Visually Impaired
2022 -
Al Kaufman -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2021 -
Jamie Lynn Fox -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2021 -
Debbie Williamson -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2021 -
Churchville Lions Club -
Friend of the Blind and Visually Impaired
2021 -
Dona Sauerburger -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2020 -
Bill McGeachy -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2020 -
Sharon Payne -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2020 -
Mary Einsel -
Friend of the Blind and Visually Impaired
2020 -
Karen Frank -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2019 -
Linda Starner -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2019 -
Jim Deremeik -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2018 -
Dena Zorbach -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2018 -
Janet Pantaleo -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2018 -
Scott Holden -
Friend of the Blind and Visually Impaired
2018 -
Judy Goldstein -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2017 -
Karen Lloyd -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2017 -
Marilyn Ward -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2017 -
Kirk Walter -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2016 -
Ray Peloquim -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2016 -
Sue Schaffer -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2016 -
Lions Vision Research Foundation -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2015 -
Loretta McGraw -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2015 -
Shirley Riffle -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2015 -
Chris Baugh -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2014 -
Colleen Calhoon -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2014 -
Tandra Hunter-Payne -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2014 -
Lisa Wright -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2013 -
Nancy Patton -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2013 -
Janet Morrison -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2013 -
Deane Blazie -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment
2012 -
Ellen Croucher -
Excellence in Direct Service in Education
2012 -
Beverly Kolk -
Excellence in Direct Service in Rehabilitation
2012 -
Duane Geruschat -
Excellence in the Field of Blindness and Visual Impairment